B.Ed Programme


B. Ed. (Two Year duration semester Paattern) 2016-2018

Structure of Two year B.Ed. Program

Semester I
Sr No Titles of the course Total Hours Cr Internal(Assignments on theory) External (University Exam) Total Marks
Persectives in Education
1 Childhood and Growing Up 60 4 25 75 100
2 Language across the Curriculum 60 4 25 75 100
Pedagogic courses and practicum
3 Understanding Discipline and subject and its
pedagogy (education I)
60 4 25 75 100
4 Understanding Discipline and subject and its
pedagogy (education I)
60 4 25 75 100
Courses on Enhancing Professional Capacities (EPC)
EPC1 Reading and Reflecting on Text 60 2 50 50
EPC1 Practicing for constructivist teaching- learning 60 2 50 50
Total (Theory + practical) 360 20 200 300 500
Semester II
Core Course
5 Contemporary India and Education 60 4 25 75 100
6 Learning and Teaching 60 4 25 75 100
7 Assessment for LEARNING 60 4 25 75 100
Courses on Enhancing Professional Capacities (EPC)
EPC3 Drama and Art in Education 60 2 50 50
Engagement with the field
EWF 1 Practice teaching & Internship 180 6 150 150
Total (Theory + practical) 420 20 275 225 500
Semester III
Core Course
8 Knowledge and curriculum 60 4 25 75 100
9 Creating an Inclusive School 60 4 25 75 100
10 Critical Understanding of ICT 60 4 25 75 100
Engagement with the field
EWF 2 Practice teaching & Internship 180 6 150 150
Enhancing Professional Capacities
EPC 4 Research Project 60 2 50 50
Total (Theory + practical)
Semester IV
Core Course
11 Gender, school & society 60 4 25 75 100
12 Optional Courses: Peace Education/ Guidance & Counseling/Sustainable Human Right Education 60 4 25 75 100
Engagement with field
EWF 3 Practice teaching & internship 120 4 100 100
Courses on Enhancing Professional Capacities (EPC)
EPC 5 Understanding the self 60 2 50 50
EPC 6 Learning to use computer in education (Computer Project) 60 2 50 50
EPC 7 Seminar 30 1 25 25
EPC 8 Educational Visit 30 1 25 25
EPC 9 Preparation and submission of a port folio 60 2 50 50
Total (Theory + practical) 480 20 350 150 500